Sunday 13 September 2009


During the holidays I took a visit to the Beamish museum. It's a village living in 1913, and it really is massive, you get a tram to get around it all. But most of all it's completely full of lovely advertisements, and I mean full, they are everywhere you look.

I have 100's of photos and would love to upload them all but I'd be sat here all night. So here's just a few.

In the town there was a newspaper shop, and above that was an old print room. It was heaven. I wanted to pick everything up and take it home with me. Unfortunately, I wasn't allowed to have a go of any of the machinery, but they did do a demonstration showing how they printed their posters, business cards etc, and even how they printed photography. It's amazing how machinery that old still works brilliantly and can produce something really beautiful.

It really was a brilliant day out and would really recommend people on our course to go. Maybe we could organise a trip or something?

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