Monday 14 September 2009

Spot colour.

"CMYK or process color printing is contrasted with spot color printing, in which specific colored inks are used to produce the colors appearing on paper. Some printing presses are capable of printing with both four-color process inks and additional spot color inks at the same time. High-quality printed materials, such as marketing brochures and books, may include photographs requiring process-color printing, other graphic effects requiring spot colors (such as metallic inks), and finishes such as varnish, which enhances the glossy appearance of the printed piece"

Ok, so from what i've gathered, a spot colour is a specifically mixed ink or varnish that would replace the CMYK plates. This would be a cheap process as only 1 colour would be used, as apposed to the the 4 in CMYK prints. You can use as many spot colours as you like, but it can become expensive when using a lot.

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